The Shift Stirrer Method Masterclass

Are you brave enough to be honest with yourself, take control of your life, and feel without fault?


"How does she have it all together?!?"

You scroll through Instagram and see a picture of a friend.

She recently had a kid, is running her own company, and somehow has time for romantic trips with her husband.

And you're sitting there on the couch, wondering what the hell you're doing wrong. 

How does she have it all together? Does she know some secret I don’t know? Why can’t my life be as rewarding as hers? 

We all have thoughts like these. They used to consume me. And it would be dishonest to say those voices have completely disappeared. Sometimes they still come up which is why I want to ask you something...

Do you ever feel like a fraud?

Like you're just faking it and eventually they'll all see you for "who you really are..." and your life will be ruined?

Maybe you've lost weight... you're in a loving relationship... you're happy in your career...

But something just isn’t quite right so you keep "doing all this self-improvement" stuff...

But none of it works.

Because no amount of external work can fix internal problems.

For that you need to do something else. Something that can be quite scary.


The bravery to look inward...

You may not like what you find at first.

Most people don't.

Most of us try to offload, project, or disown parts of ourselves we don't like… But that leads to feeling constantly exhausted, anxious, and frustrated for seemingly no reason at all.

The smallest things might trigger extreme emotional outbursts that make you wonder, "Where the hell did that come from?"

Instead of suppressing the difficult parts of ourselves, we have to own and integrate them into the whole picture of ourselves.

Because only once you Own Your Awful will you finally be able to live your life authentically and freely, and that’s where the Shift Stirrer Method comes in.

Mindfulness… Simplified.

This course distills down what I’ve learned from years of trial and error and helping others along the way.

I won't tell you to "just go meditate" or "look in the mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful 10 times." My method is unique and it works... as long as you put in the work.

Here’s what the process looks like:

Module One: STIR
Become aware of when we have shifted into a negative thought pattern.

Module Two: SIT
Learn how to SIT in communion with negative thoughts and emotions without reacting.

Module Three: SIFT
SIFT through all of the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions related to your stir story.

Module Four: SHARE
SHARE your vulnerable stir story and look at what came up in the sit and the sift.

Module Five: SHIFT
SHIFT your perception through the wisdom that has been unearthed from working the steps. 


Meet Your Teacher

After nearly losing a life-changing modeling opportunity due to an emotional outburst Tinamarie realized something had to change… So she started her journey of soul-searching and committed to unwinding her old beliefs and asking the big questions. She devoured self-help books, threw herself into intensive workshops, and had raw and vulnerable conversations with close friends and family. Eventually she was able to open up her protective shell and share her fears, insecurities, and shame.

She saw that massive change was possible and knew that there were other people just like her who craved change, but didn’t know how to achieve it… or that it was even possible! That’s exactly why she created the Shift Stirrer Method Masterclass.

Are you brave enough to take the next step?

If you're looking for someone to tell you to look in the mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful and perfect and don’t need to do anything to change… This ain’t for you.

This is a fierce crash course in radical honesty with self.

And if reading that scares the sh*t out of you... Good.

The things that scare us most are often the things we need the most.

But I want you to know that this. Takes. Work.

And if you're not ready to put in the work. That's OK. 

One word of warning though...

I am not your “guru”

If you're looking for something you can do once to "transcend" this isn't it. You can’t just “fix yourself” because one: you aren’t broken. And two: making a permanent change requires a long-term commitment. 

I've been working the method for nearly a decade and I'm still working it every day. Permanent change requires a long-term commitment, that's exactly why it works.

And it is SO worth it if you're willing to put in that work.

So if you're ready to do just that, click the button below and I'll see you on the other side!

See how Tinamarie lives the SSM life. The good, the bad, and the messy.
